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Illinois public servants may be entitled to public safety benefits

In Illinois, when a public officer such as a law enforcement agent, a correctional officer, or a firefighter sustains major injury or was killed in the line of duty, his family – wife and children – can receive, on top of workers’ compensation benefits, compensation allotted to them under the Public Safety Employee Benefits Act, according to the National Law Review on November 20.

The law enforcer, correctional officer, or firefighter must have been harmed during the throes of a criminal investigation, an unlawful act perpetrated by other people, or in fresh pursuit of a fire emergency, respectively.

The provisions of the law, however, are not clear. For instance, it does not define what it means to be “catastrophically injured.” Courts have been attempting to determine what exactly this constitutes.

If your case involves workers’ compensation issues in Champaign, Danville, Kankakee or elsewhere in Illinois, contact the attorneys at Spiros Law, P.C., by calling (217) 328-2828 today to learn about your legal options.